Az egyik legnagyobb játékőrületet kiváltó Bűvös kocka gyors kirakásának módszereit videók sokasága szemlélteti, a legáltalánosabb a szintén 1982-ben kitalált Fridrich-módszer. Híres kockajátékosok vakon, rappelve, egy kézzel, hullámlovaglás és ejtőernyős ugrás stb. közben rakják ki a kockát. Az első Rubik-kocka gyorsasági világbajnokságot 1982-ben rendezték Budapesten, majd a 25. jubileumi rendezvényre 2007-ben szintén itt került sor.
35 years have already gone since Rubik's Cube was created by Rubik Ernő, a Hungarian architect and inventor. You can read about the history of the invention and beginning of its success here, but maybe it is even more interesting to see what happened to the Cube since. After 3 decades last year the number of moves needed to solve the Cube in any position was finally proved - it is 20, known also as God's algorithm, suspected by mathematicians as early as in 1982, but it took decades and supercomputers to prove it. We only have far less accurate estimations about the number of sold Cubes, until now supposedly more than 300 million worldwide, as already in the first year after production start 30 million pieces were ordered. The Cube is part of the permanent collection of MoMA in New York, there is also a digital Rubik's Cube and inventor Rubik Ernő hasn't stopped working either, his last invention being Rubik's 360. Methodes of solutions for one of the best-selling toys ever are demonstrated in high number of videos, the most commonly used is the Fridrich methode. Famous cubers can solve it blindfolded, with rap, one-handed, while surfing and in freefall etc. The first Rubik's speedcubing world championship took place in 1982 in Budapest and the 25th event saw it returning again to Budapest in 2007, with Rubik Ernő also appearing and awarding prizes.
UPDATE, 19 May 2014: Rubik's cube was created 40 years ago!!!!